the goings on of mah sweet little doodle bug-yes its sickly sweet

Monday, February 26, 2007

i can't believe i took this picture

with my phone no less- who is the baby beefcake?

Friday, February 23, 2007

a post from the bossman

max has especially requested that I post the following...he'd like to send a shout out to his grandma who is having a very special day today and as you can clearly tell from the attached picture has really been there for him...back when he didn't even have a name for himself

happy birthday momma fish

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

we are regulars...

at our local tex-mex joint...we go most fridays for dinner It is also the source of the majority of the cheese consumed during my pregnancy which explains why Max is so comfortable here

PS Get out your magnifying glass and note the super cute scarf hand knit by our good friend M.Arthur...nice and toasty!

Monday, February 05, 2007


You learn so much about your own habits once your child begins accelerated aping phase. For example, Max now picks up his toy cellphone (or any phone like plastic object) and shouts 'Lo...Lo!" as in hello, hello. So very expectant and busy sounding. He is also very obsessed with sitting at his papa's computer and attempting to use it. I once opened up a word document and just let him go to town, that was a fun game.
Other great interests: CARS CARS CARS, construction sites, boats!!!!! (especially since he got to explore a victorian triple masted tall ship as the asst ring bearer in auntie cousin's recent wedding)
He is very affectionate and likes to give hugs and blow kisses. He starting saying "mama, come" and "please, down" and "all done!" all at the appropriate times. He gets a kick out of telling us what to do- which we generally comply with because we are awash in the joy of successful communication. He's not too harsh a task master, his requests are mostly transportation related "go, go ,go!!! coat? Go!" or the oft repeated "papa, mama HELP...keys!" that sort of thing. He is growing kinder with Ruby kitty kat after a brief phase of attempting to sit on, squish and generally physically alter the cat. He really likes her and attempts to speak to her in her native tongue...on all to her food dish under the dinner table while she is eating. This makes a mama nervous as we do not want to awaken the call of the wild in our domesticated, slightly over weight grey tabby. First law of the jungle, son...don't mess with my food (rar!) Max really enjoys telling us animal sounds as we request them, riffing on the lion (with outstretched jabbing of paw.) Horsie sounds make their big appearance during rousing choruses of "Old MacDonald" Mx always does the horse sound with great relish. In fact, we have determined with Max's help that old macdonald actually ran a horse farm.

The wee maestro really enjoys making a joyful noise on his piano, keyboard, various drums and percussion objects, kazoo, harmonica and now....his geetARR. He sits down on the floor or his little red plastic chair and gets his hands in all the right spots and just strums away. He also makes up little songs that bear occasional resemblances to something sort of vaguely familiar. He always throws his hand in the air and shouts "yay" at the end so we know when to applaud. Here's a transcription of his first recognizable song..."wingle wingle la la la stAR" He is truly a baby pirate -he so relishes the AAAR sounds. Ok ok ok the floodgate did just open - due to a long absence in the detailed updating. Advances start happening so fast, the use of silverware, drinking from a cup and on and on til one day you realize how changed and grown they are. Things happen fast, its a cliche because its so consistently true. So, dear reader I hope I've caught you up and you will be prepared for our next posting entitled "drivers ed"
