the goings on of mah sweet little doodle bug-yes its sickly sweet

Saturday, November 05, 2005

book lover


Kari said...

Aren't you feeding him enough Lisa??? No, really, I am certain that this is the first promising sign of a brilliant literary career.

Anonymous said...

Does Man Eat Deer?

Does Max Eat Book?

Lulu said...

that baby loves to look at fine print tho- its true - the chinese take out menu also excites him greatly...i gotta figure out how to post video cuz its very funny. K- tell yer sis that Max is all boob : )

dennis said...

hey! how come he's not holding drumsticks in these pictures?!

Lulu said...

he ate them

pinky said...

I have always believed that chewing one's book is the first step toward phonemic awareness.

Vanessa said...

Max is so cute. How original is that? I just posted on Jeff's site that Jon Brion is cute. But as a matter of fact, Max takes the cake. I love him Lulu. Please bring him to me this Christmas so I can squeeze him tight.

