the goings on of mah sweet little doodle bug-yes its sickly sweet

Monday, May 01, 2006

i like to swing-ah


pinky said...

Hey lady,

We loved seeing you and the little headbanger last week. Your apartment is so great, made me nostalgic/jealous/happy for you/impressed at how well you pulled all that together. Let's talk more about carpooling to Connie's. When is a good time to reach you?

Also, I left your red shoes and birthday socks at Jenny's house, and she is wanting some Mommy-mentoring from you. Any chance you could have a tea with her and tell her she is doing great?

See you in a month!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey There,

I don't have your new email, so Carrie just gave me your blog- right on! What a bitchin' little boy you have! oops...crying..gotta go her's my email.......

Hey Lisa,

I hear you have a pretty wonderful little MAX and want to glean all your parenting expertise ASAP! I’ll buy you lunch in trade for picking your brain, --- especially how you got him to follow such a lovely sleep schedule, you goddess! I’m still in the mildly panicked how-the-hell to avoid screwing up this kid too bad mode, as well as still being horrendously sleepdeprived, so I apologize in advance for lack of hygiene or coherence.

Carrie left a pair of your shoes here, are you anxious to get them back? It would be great to see you and meet the little man, sadly I’m still a bit housebound with the tot…but we can stroll on a pretty day, maybe meet somewhere in the middle of the Slope? Or if you feel like visiting the ‘hood that would be fantastic.

I hope you’re whole family is doing splendidly and to catch up very soon.

Take Care,

Jen Parsons
