the goings on of mah sweet little doodle bug-yes its sickly sweet

Monday, February 26, 2007

i can't believe i took this picture

with my phone no less- who is the baby beefcake?


Unknown said...

that is lovely.

he looks so much like both of you.

You made a little person!!

Unknown said...

OOOOOoooooooh my G.O.D.
I am just, on a whim, checking in, after so, so so, too, too much time.
Wow. This is gorgeous, glorious, incredible. LOOK at him! LOOK at your SON. I cannot even begin to believe how sweet it all is. What a charming and cute and obviously fun little boy you have in your life.
And I can't get over how much his eyes are so wonderfully wise-looking and how much they in particular look like both of you.

It looks like you're doing great. I'm so glad to see you're keeping everybody (or I should say those who bother to check) abreast of your life and this wicked fast growth spurt (ie, childhood) of Max.

Much love to you all,

Kari said...

First off, can I say that you must have a super top of the line cell phone if the picture turned out this well! Secondly, wow. He's so sweet! At least in that moment. :) I'm hoping to see him next time we meet up, as it has been far too long.
