Welcome to FuntimesBabyBoy
See there's the fantasy registry and all the super cool new baby gear that inspires and is fun to click back to now and again and then there is the stuff that is actually needed for the soon to bloom child of a musician and an hourly independent contractor (in a very creatively rewarding job, mind you)
So I am creating this receptacle as a resource for my mom who never looks at the Internet (but hopefully will check this out) and others who may wander in confusion when trying to negotiate my nutty multiple registries with overlapping entries. Just look to the left side of the page (the sidebar they call it) for links to the registries we've set up or look below that for direct links to needed items - jot down the info and shop where-so-ever you like...
oh and...
Thanks for sharing our joy and overwhelming excitement over this aforementioned massive life altering bloomage